HDMI Receive

The 4Kopen board is able to receive HDMI signals.

To test that you are able to correctly receive and re-transmit an HDMI input, run the following commands to configure the audio and video paths:

# disable audio/video local playback to Main-VID/Mixer
media-ctl -l '"dvb0.video0":0->"Main-VID":0[0]'
media-ctl -l '"dvb0.audio0":0->"mixer0":0[0]'

# create audio path
media-ctl -l '"v4l2.audio0":1->"mixer0":0[1]'
media-ctl -l '"hdmirx0":2->"v4l2.audio0":0[1]'

# create video path
media-ctl -l '"v4l2.video0":1->"Main-VID":0[1]'
media-ctl -l '"hdmirx0":1->"dvp0":0[1]'
media-ctl -l '"dvp0":1->"v4l2.video0":0[1]'

Then, run hdmirx-capture to setup and manage the passthrough behavior:

hdmirx-capture --dec-id=0 --dvp-start --aud-start --vid-capture-profile=2 --debug

Once you have done the above, and while hdmirx-capture is running, any input should be repeated on the output.


EDID Programming

If your source device is unable to detect the display, or doesn't provide any output resolution options, then it is possible that you need to program the EDID.

This can be done by running the following command:

hdmirx-capture --edid-file edid.conf

The edid.conf file can be found below.

Download edid.conf

Using on Raspbian

If you want to use the HDMI passthrough on Raspbian, then you will need to make the graphics plane that the desktop is rendered to fully transparent (i.e: invisible)

To do this, run the following command:

stfbset -a 0